Diabetes Treatment, Reimagined

Diabetes and the associated complications affect over 34 million Americans, and an additional 88 million Americans are prediabetic. In 2019, diabetes caused $476 billion in health care expenditures, which represented 10% of the total medical costs for adults in America. Traditional treatment has primarily focused on changes in lifestyle and the management of symptoms; neither approach addresses the root cause of diabetes metabolic failure

Restore, Repair, and Regenerate. Finally, a groundbreaking approach designed to address the primary cause of metabolic disorders instead of only suppressing symptoms.

Metabolic Life Centers utilize a revolutionary, multi-patented Physiologic Insulin Resensitization (PIR) system that provides clinicians with an innovative way of providing individualized patient care where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug. By using insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal glucose metabolism, we can:

Increasing cellular energy allows damaged tissues and organs to grow, repair, and regenerate. In many cases, this approach has shown the ability to stabilize and, in some instances, reverse the complications of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Schull Institute Study Insulin Infusion Therapy on Diabetic Complications (Oct 27, 2015) Retrospective, observational study (n=60) reported:

Patient testimonial

Type 2 Diabetic - 10 years | Hypertension - 5 years | Neuropathy - 8 years

“It’s almost a miracle that my foot healed so well. I started treatment, and within three weeks, it had healed. The wound had been there for three months prior to treatment.” 

– Greg B.